Dr. Sven UthickeThe Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is a Commonwealth statutory authority with the mission to provide research and knowledge of Australia’s tropical marine estate required to support growth in its use, effective environmental management and protection of its unique ecosystems. AIMS has an over 30-year history in research on Crown-of-Thorns Seastar (CoTS), ranging from monitoring population to understanding causes of population outbreaks and developing solutions to reduce, control or manage such outbreaks. In response to recent declines in coral reef condition, AIMS has commenced studies into developing a suite of scalable, cost-effective reef restoration methods, combining research into understanding of fundamental reef recovery and adaptation processes with the development of innovative intervention technologies.
受付時間:平日、月曜~金曜 8:30~17:30
担当:赤嶺・金井(一般財団法人 沖縄県環境科学センター)